What Are The Major Stages Of A Car Accident?- Case Proceedings Explained

Have you ever been injured in a car accident? It is one of the most depressing mishaps of one’s life when he receives injuries and vehicle damages. The next thing that may come to your mind is to file for a claim so that you can deal with the financial crisis in a better manner. In this, a good Las Vegas car accident attorney can help you because he is experienced, skilled and knowledgeable. Don’t try to handle the claim yourself if you are in need of urgent cash.

Stages of a car accident claim

It is important to learn how your car accident claim passes from one phase to another. They have been explained below:

Stage 1: Negotiating with the insurance company

After gathering evidence and submitting the claim form to the insurance company, the next move is to receive the first offer from the company. This is one of the most important steps because both parties may make or break the deal. If the offer made by the insurance company is fair enough, the lawyer may convince his client to accept. They will close the deal by signing an agreement. 

Stage 2: Discovery process

If a successful negotiation is not possible, the lawyer will take the next step and file a formal complaint. In discovery, both parties have a chance to show the evidence and prove negligence. The documents will be reviewed in the court. Each party should make the most of this opportunity and present the case in front of the judge in the most convincing manner.  It should also be noted that negotiation is still an option as discovery and other subsequent options do not close the door for the negotiation. 

Stage 3: Trial Process 

As negotiation is delayed, the case will reach its next phase in court.  At this stage, the judge and the jury will review the documents and listen to each side of the story. Depending on how the case is depicted in the court, each party has to agree with the court’s decision or the final verdict. However, any of the parties can appeal in the higher court. Mostly, an aggravated party not satisfied with the final verdict goes to the higher court. At any point, both parties can settle the matter outside the court.

To handle all these stages properly, you need to hire an attorney with immense knowledge and experience in this field.